父母 from any part of the world 能否通过鼓励本地区合格的考生并作为准家长的信息资源来帮助易胜博app安卓下载录取. Parent 入学 volunteers may be asked to take on various roles, depending on their time and interests, 比如有帮助的顾问, representative at a school fair, 伯乐, 重访日小组成员, 接待主持人. For information, please contact Director of Enrollment Management Cort城堡.
住在这个地区的父母 是否可以在招生办公室的接待区与未来的家长交谈. 最适合与易胜博app安卓下载相处至少一年的父母,他们喜欢谈论孩子在易胜博app安卓下载的经历, 这些志愿者通常在9月中旬到1月下旬提供两个星期六的工作. For more information, please contact Director of 入学 杰米战绩.
父母 who live nearby may volunteer as host families, 为国际学生提供校外支持,并提供建议, 友谊, 偶尔的避难所, 或者一顿家常菜.
家长基金志愿者被指派一组家长(通常以他们孩子的形式),鼓励他们慷慨地参与易胜博app安卓下载基金, a critical component of the school’s operating budget. 家长不需要住在附近就可以参与——全国乃至全球的家长都是有效的家长基金志愿者.
Host a Gathering in Your Area
父母 are welcome to host a reception for local families.
Current parents have insight and wisdom of offer new parents. 联络员与新家庭联系,为他们提供过渡到寄宿学校生活和易胜博app安卓下载独特文化的指导.
父母的周末 Welcome Tables
父母 associated with Groton for at least one year may greet, 直接, and assist parents during 父母的周末.
易胜博app安卓下载认为这种关系非常重要,并试图根据共同的兴趣或学生和导师在一周内进行日常接触的可能性,将即将入学的学生与成年人配对. Each new student is assigned a faculty advisor for the first year; thereafter, students may request a different advisor. Advisor changes for the following year are managed in the spring through the Deans’ Office; students are instructed on the process if they would like a new advisor.
Dorm heads are on duty in the dorm three nights a week, 其他三个晚上由附属机构(其他教员)负责宿舍. That group of four adults rotates duty on Saturday nights. 当你九月到达的时候, 您将收到一张卡片,上面有您孩子的指导老师和宿舍负责人的姓名和电话号码, as well as other important numbers.
易胜博app安卓下载的着装要求, 2022年通过, 旨在创造性别中立的期望,导致对话而不是纪律, provide a wide array of clothing options for students, and reflect the school’s core ethos of inclusion and belonging.
For more information, parents and students may 登录myGroton and refer to the Student/Parent Handbook.
All students should bring a laundry bag or basket. Students may do their own laundry or use the E&洗衣服务.
每个宿舍都有洗衣机/烘干机,可以与宿舍或CSCPay手机应用程序一起使用. To use the app, install it and create an account linked to a credit card. 的 phone will connect to the machine via Bluetooth; you may scan the machine's QR code or enter the number on the front of the machine.
E&R can wash sheets/clothing and dry clean, depending on the program selected. E&R星期五早上收衣服,星期二早上送回学校. 如果你选了E&R的服务, you need 不 provide linens or pillows, but many students prefer to bring their own bedding anyhow. (Mattresses are twin size, 74 inches long.)
Students should bring an alarm clock; they should 不 rely on their cell phone alarm because in some dorms phones are 不 permitted in the room after lights-out. A sturdy desk lamp is advisable too.
More important is what they should 不 带:电视, 咖啡壶, 火锅, 烤面包机, 热板, 冰箱, 电饭煲, and microwaves are 不 permitted and will be confiscated.
Each Upper School room is limited to one piece of extra furniture, and that piece must be approved by a dean. Lower Schoolers may 不 bring any extra furniture into their cubes. Heavy pull-out sofas are prohibited, 因为他们被拖进拖出宿舍时,会对宿舍造成相当大的美观损害.
All rooms have sufficient furniture, including a bureau with four or five drawers, 壁橱, 和货架.
Yes, but during the winter, all bikes must be stored in dormitory basements. 在秋季和春季,自行车必须锁在校园周围的自行车架上. If you bring a bike, you must bring a lock and a helmet.
存储空间有限: 请劝阻您的孩子不要带不必要的物品和过多的衣服. If possible, do 不 bring clothing for all seasons at once.
必须乘飞机回家的学生在夏季被允许使用有限的存储空间. For students who have items that do 不 fit in the allotted space, 也适合那些希望在夏天存放物品的人,尽管他们的家离易胜博app安卓下载相对较近, off-site storage is available, 收费的.
Student ID cards are also debit cards that parents can preload with funding. Students may use the cards in the school store, 体育商店, or to withdraw cash at the mailroom window. 家长可以在网上(或通过电子邮件)将钱存入孩子的借记卡账户www.mykidsspending.com) or by writing a check to the school. More information is available on the 商务办公页面. Students may withdraw up to $30 per day and $50 per week. 这里还有一台自动取款机.
Each student has a mailbox in the mailroom. Stamps are sold at the mailroom window, and personnel can help students who need to use UPS or Federal Express. Every student has a Groton email account.
标签的一切. Every item should have your child’s name sewn, written, or etched on it. 学校不负责赔偿丢失或损坏的物品, so students must care for and keep track of their belongings. 如果学生认为某件物品被故意拿走,应通知教务处.
At the beginning of vacations and Long Weekends, the school sends buses to New York City, 康涅狄格, 波士顿, 洛根机场, and the Manchester (NH) airport. 大多数休息时间在上午11:30开始.m., so you must never schedule a departing flight before 2 p.m.
偶尔, 体育比赛或锦标赛在假期或长周末开始的下午举行, so please check with your child before finalizing travel plans.
假期过后,巴士从纽约、康涅狄格、洛根和曼彻斯特返回学校. See the Student/Parent Handbook for specific schedule information.
No. 请不要在假期或长周末要求早退或晚归. 的 school will 不 allow students flying abroad to depart from school on early morning flights; no student flying abroad may leave before classes end. If you anticipate difficulties, please contact one of the deans.
Students may 不 remain on campus during the Thanksgiving, 圣诞节, 冬季长周末, and March vacations because school closes. 如果您预见到您的孩子有任何困难,请提前制定计划并告知教务处. Students must 不 return before dorms officially reopen.
At heavy travel times (vacations and Long Weekends), 洋基线可能没有资源提供个性化的运输, 所以请计划让你的孩子乘坐我们组织的公共汽车. 的 游客指南 offers some suggestions for transportation in special cases, when school-provided buses may 不 be available.